Monday, November 9, 2015

Don't Fall Into the Trap of Just Being a Recruiter

We have been with Paparazzi for three and half years now and it took us three years to finally realize that in order to be successful you need to sell as well as recruit.
We were the ones at convention that sat their listening to the founders talk about working your sales, going out there and doing the parties, sell, sell, sell and we would get pumped about it, we would think we really need to preach this to our teams, not once thinking that it was pertaining to us. You see when we got into Paparazzi we wanted to do the sales, the parties, and the events in our area, we were going to travel and do shows, etc. etc., until we did an event and a home party, I am not saying they were bad, I am just saying that they weren't as good as we thought they would be. Then Chasity started recruiting, not because she didn't like doing shows or parties, actually she did it to try and find more shows, then realized that she could share this opportunity with people from all over the country, pretty soon we started signing people up left and right. Well with this success recruiting we started focusing all of our time on recruiting, and we were having great success and were also teaching our team how to do the same. In the beginning our front line volume was doing amazing because we kept signing people up and they would buy a little and sell a little, but eventually they started doing what we were doing, they started spending more time recruiting and building their teams. Pretty soon most of our volume from our team started coming from further down in our team because we weren't pushing our teams to sell, we were pushing them to recruit. Do you know what happens when you have a team full of consultants that focuses mostly on recruiting and very little on selling? You have a hard time keeping people because they don't know really how to sell and nobody pushes them to sell. I am not saying to not recruit, but what I am saying is to try and get them as a customer first, get the sale, let them see the product, wear the product, and while they are buying from you they are also learning how you sell and how easy it is to do. Get them interested in the product, share the whole experience with all of your customers, develop a relationship with them and then present the opportunity to them, you will have team members on your front line that potentially can be your next rock star because they aren't just starting a new company focusing strictly on finding new people, they are selling right from square one and they know how. I hope you all learn from our mistake and benefit from what took us three years to figure out.
Happy selling everyone !

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