Saturday, November 14, 2015


Picture yourself going to buy a new car, you have the money, you know what you can afford, you narrow it down to a couple of different cars, so you finally go to talk to the car dealer to help pick one out that you want and you walk up to the dealer and he grumbles and acts like you are bothering him, he rushes through the process, doesn't really know much about the car, obviously doesn't really care about the manufacturer of the car, and basically just has a bad attitude altogether. Would you want to buy a car from this person? I bet not, he pretty much just ruined your whole buying experience. Why did he act this way? Maybe because he has had quite a few customers come up to him, ask him questions, get all ready to buy from him only to back out at the end, who knows. All I can say is he is not going to get many more sales that way, now is he? Well guess what, our customers can feel the same way when we don't show our excitement about Paparazzi, if we go into an event, party, Facebook group or party, or even someone coming up to you on the street. Learn about what you are selling, learn about the company, share with every potential customer what you love about what you do, what brought you to the company. You don't have to go into detail, but you want to be educated enough to be able to answer most questions that they might have. Your attitude is as much about your sale as is the product, never forget that. Always treat your customers better than you want to be treated as a customer. Also remember everyone can be a customer, your goal should be to make sure they know you sell it, make sure that they know you love it, and to make your product a household name and that if they want something they know to come to you. 

Your attitude not only can make or lose you a sale now, it can make or lose you a customer for life. 

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