Monday, February 8, 2016

Are you a procrastinator or a coaster?

     A procrastinator is someone who puts off their business until the end of the week, or especially the end of the month. You know who you are, you start of the month with a list of things you want to do with your business, like host a party, recruit, post in your sales group, etc. but life gets in the way and you just don't have the time to do what you need to do for these things to happen so you put them off. First you put it off until tomorrow, which there is always tomorrow right? Then you put it off until Friday, but who wants to work that hard on a Friday, plus it's the weekend you will have plenty of time for that. Yeah right, well Sunday is here and guess what, your 9 year old has homework to do and it is 8 o'clock, she hasn't showered yet and you have to help her with it. Oh well Monday is the start of a new week so you will get to it right away tomorrow. This cycle continues until it is the 20th of the month and you are like oh crap I really better hurry and at least try and get some of these things done before the end of the month. Then the end of the month comes and you are like my business suffered this month, it was really slow for me. 
     A coaster is someone that starts the month out like the procrastinator, but they actually hit it hard the first week. They book a bunch of parties, recruit like crazy, post everyday in their sales group, etc. All for about seven to ten days, then guess what? Yep, life gets in their way also, kids have two to three basketball games in one week, they have to work late all week, etc. etc. By the fifteenth of the month they are barely putting any work into their business and by the end of the month they are nowhere to be seen in their business, no parties scheduled, no new recruits, no posting in their sales groups and guess what they look back and say man that month really sucked for my business, maybe it just isn't for me, I tried everything. If I had a dollar for every time I heard "I've tried everything" I would be a very rich man. 
    I know what you are going through, like I said, life gets in the way, and it really does. I also believe you when I offer suggestions and you say that you have tried that, and everything else that I suggest. The only thing is, when you say you have tried it I would be willing to bet a large sum of money to say that you only tried part of what I suggested doing, because everything I suggest doing I always add that you have to continue to do and repeat and repeat and repeat, to the point it is monotonous and then guess what? Do it again. Now for those that fall into one of the characters above, my best suggestion is to treat your business like a job that you go to everyday, set a schedule for each day, week, and month then stick to it. Make sure you check off everything on your list before you call it a day, week and month. If you do that you won't be sitting there at the end of the month looking back wondering why the month wasn't good. If for some reason the month wasn't successful you can at least say that you gave it your full effort and time required. (If you put the work into your business that is suggested by the leaders in the company I can tell you that you will have success)  

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